Castrate your pet is a decision that only you should make, that is if you should always keep in mind and know what benefits and disadvantages this choice can bring for your pet and for you.

To get warm on this interesting topic we must know that there is a similar process called sterilization, in the process of sterilization the sexuality of the pet remains intact, while with castration the animal will no longer be able to have sexual relations. Both are surgical processes performed by a veterinarian in which hospitalization of the pet is mandatory.

As with any surgical procedure, there is a small margin of risk due to the use of general anesthesia, which is why it is extremely important that your pet, both dogs and cats, be in optimal health, since to qualify for this, physical examinations must be done. Complete and blood tests to generally assess their state of health. In the event that your pet has a disease, more specific studies will have to be carried out to be able to castrate it. Likewise, it should be noted that one of the fundamental requirements is that your pet is free of fleas and ticks. To help you in this regard, we invite you to get to know our CatanDog’s® medal, which will keep it away from them for up to 2 continuous years without use. of chemicals.

Perro siendo atendido por un médico veterinario

There are very common myths about this procedure for pets, one of the most popular is that they tend to gain weight, as this is totally false, although it is true that your pet tends to need a lower caloric intake (approximately 20%), you must adjust your diet and keep you active to avoid being overweight.

Another very common myth is that after surgery the pet’s behavior varies and its personality changes, as it is also false, since it will only calm sexual behaviors, it will stop marking territory at home and calm its aggressiveness with other animals, but it will continue being your same pet with the same personality.

Regarding when castration should be done, generally in cats it is recommended between 4 and 6 months of age, and the perfect age for dogs is between 6 and 12 months.

Next, we present a series of advantages and disadvantages that the castration procedure can bring for your pet.

No more surprise pregnancies.

After castration in your female pet, the unwanted puppies will end, that is, the population of pets and the complications that a pregnancy can bring to their health are controlled, which could be several and more if your pet already has a few years above.

Sexual urges will be drastically reduced.

The characteristic symptoms of jealousy in them that are sometimes annoying to the owners will end, especially if there are visitors at home.

Less urine at home.

As we know, it is a common practice for our pets to urinate in every corner to let other animals know that they are marking their territory. With castration, this instinct is reduced. Another problem that this method solves is that non-castrated elderly dogs tend to urinate on prostate related problems while castrated are much less likely to do so.

Less aggressiveness.

Your outings will be calmer, since your pet will put aside its aggressiveness and will be more sociable with other animals, this is because it does not see others as natural competitors.

Complication in the intervention.

This is an extremely easy procedure, but it cannot be ruled out that something could go wrong, although the chances are slim to none.

Increased risk of some diseases.

Since the number of benefits offered by this procedure is greater than the disadvantages, some diseases could appear and/or worsen more likely, among them we can name the following: skin problems such as alopecia, dry or very oily skin, resistance to exercise it could decrease what would trigger a sedentary lifestyle and possible obesity, eye problems that appear as white spots which could cover the entirety of your eyes and trigger blindness, this is called corneal lipid dystrophy.

Castration is a process whose value varies from pet to pet and is influenced by factors such as type, size, weight, sex (a male is cheaper than a female) and the type of technique performed by the veterinarian.

We are always looking for a way to give our pets the best quality of life and this could be a very wise decision for their well-being and comfort. At CatanDog’s® we encourage you to meditate and choose responsibly on this issue.